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Welcome to the first Elevate Digital Choir!
 As part of our special Camp Meeting 2020 Broadcast on June 6 at 10:15 am CT, we are forming a Digital Choir to sing "Never Once" by Matt Redman. 
How can you be involved? Thanks for asking. 

Here's How:

1. Download the instrumental audio file and the lyric sheet here


2. Become familiar with the arrangement of the song "Never Once" by Matt Redman.


3. Record yourself singing to the track

  • Preferably in front of blank wall. 

  • Use headphones to hear the track

  • Your phone or computer mic and camera are sufficient. 

  • Please record in horizontal orientation not portrait. â€‹ [        ]  not [ ]


4. Upload your video to this Google Drive Folder by Monday, May 25 at 5 pm CT.  

  • Name your file [First Name-Last Name].


5. Tune in to Elevate on June 6 at 10:15 am to see yourself and the rest of the choir!


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